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Contractor Application

Please take a moment to fill out the form.

Employmenxt Record


1. Criminal History:

a. Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense?
b. Are there any pending criminal charges against you?

2. Working with Children:

a.Have you ever been investigated, disciplined, or had any complaints filed against you in relation to child abuse, neglect, or any other form of harm to children?
b. Have you ever been denied, had revoked, or voluntarily surrendered any professional licenses, certifications, or qualifications related to working with children?

3. Child Safety Training and Certifications:

a. Have you completed any training or obtained certifications related to child protection, child safety, or mandated reporting?
b. Are you familiar with your legal obligations and responsibilities regarding child abuse reporting?

4. Reference Checks:

May we contact your previous employers, supervisors, or references to inquire about your conduct and suitability for working with children?

5. Additional Information:


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